Friday, January 25, 2008

3 weeks and a baby...

Angie and I went in to see Dr. Champlain today for Ang's 37 week check. He performed a sonogram to check for a couple of things to make sure the baby was in the right position and everything was where it needed to be. The report: Everything looks good. Ethan looked pretty big on the monitor. We were able to see his head, heart, a large set of ribs, and what appeared to be a pretty large foot sticking in mom's ribs (that's just how it looked to us, he didn't comment on his size at all). We are scheduled to go back in a week and see how things are progressing.


Gpa said...

Sounds like you are going to have a"big boy"
Getting close, huh ??

Love you 2.95


Jen and Lee said...

Can't wait to meet out new nephew!!!!!!!

Love you 2.95.

Kelsie said...

We can't believe the time is getting so close. Your going to do great Age!

Can't wait to meet Ethan.

Sending all our love and miss you all so.

The Funk's